Salesforce Application Customisation

Tailor-made. Purpose-built. Value-driven.

Business transformation
Measurable outcomes
Quick on-boarding
World-class customer support

Your business is unique,

so what are you doing to make sure your Salesforce instance is, too?

Salesforce customisation is the key to long-term success. That’s why it’s so important that your Salesforce instance is customised to match the ever-changing transformational needs of the modern workplace. With Salesforce, your business can have all of its products and services, customer experience, analytics and more, driven through a single platform, so it’s easy to manage everything in one place.
Customise, to make the most of what Salesforce has to offer.

At Buzzinga, we’re here to help. We collaboratively work with you to come up with a plan for how your business will use Salesforce, then we’ll build the customisations that work for your unique needs.

Salesforce Application Customisation Services

To deliver agile, seamless experiences to customers, meet your business needs, to innovate and adapt faster than ever before.

Reports And Dashboards

Maximise value of your data. Insights into sales pipeline.
Build revenue predictability.

Dynamic Email Templates

Increase productivity. Build messaging consistency. Stay connected with your customers.

Salesforce CRM Integration

Ensure effective integration. Seamless data flow between ERP, accounting and CRM , applications, and databases.

Custom Objects And Records

Store unique information. Align functionalities with your business. Enhance functionality and improved sales.

Bulk Data Processing

Make your life easier for operations like updating or deleting records when dealing with bulk data.

Automate Recurring Tasks

Speed up manual, resource-intensive and monotonous processes like creating tasks, sending emails, and updating or deleting records.

Build Custom Salesforce Consoles

Simplify everyday CRM tasks. Streamline processes. Create bespoke solutions. Empower your teams.

App Customisation

Reinvent your Salesforce mobile apps. Enhanced customer experience. Introduce custom tabs and features.

And More..

Listen and align with your business processes to achieve the desired outcomes.

At Buzzinga, we specialise in Salesforce application customization and custom app development services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Our team of certified Salesforce experts has years of experience with Salesforce application development, and we can help you take your Salesforce experience to the next level.

Salesforce Application Customization

If you’re looking to customize your Salesforce experience, we can help. Our Salesforce application customization services are designed to help you get the most out of your Salesforce investment by tailoring the platform to your unique business needs. Whether you need help with custom fields, page layouts, or workflows, we can help you transform your Salesforce experience.

Salesforce Custom App Development

If you’re looking to take your Salesforce experience to the next level, we can help. Our Salesforce custom app development services are designed to help you build custom applications that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you need a custom application for sales, service, or marketing, we can help you build the perfect solution.

Our Salesforce application customization services include:
Custom fields and page layouts

We can help you create custom fields and page layouts that are tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

Custom workflows

We can help you create custom workflows that automate your business processes and help you streamline your operations.

Custom reports and dashboards

We can help you create custom reports and dashboards that provide you with the insights you need to make informed business decisions.

Our Salesforce application customization services include:
Custom application design

We can help you design a custom application that is tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.

Custom application development

We can help you develop a custom application that is scalable, secure, and easy to use.

Custom application deployment

We can help you deploy your custom application to the Salesforce platform and ensure that it works seamlessly with your existing Salesforce instance.

Trusted by the best

Trusted by Healthcare, Fintech, eLearning, Blockchain and Energy Companies from All Over the World

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Partner with us for

Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:

  • Client-oriented
  • Results-driven
  • Independent
  • Problem-solving
  • Competent
  • Transparent
What happens next?
  1. We Schedule a call at your convenience
  2. We do a discovery and consulting meting
  3. We prepare a proposal

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Partner with us for

Comprehensive IT

We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.

Your benefits:

  • Client-oriented
  • Results-driven
  • Independent
  • Problem-solving
  • Competent
  • Transparent
What happens next?
  1. We Schedule a call at your convenience
  2. We do a discovery and consulting meting
  3. We prepare a proposal

Schedule a Free Consultation

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Schedule a Free Consultation

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